The first step in your dental care is an accurate diagnosis, and we use the latest dental technologies for this purpose. Digital i-CATradiography, a state of the art alternative to traditional dental x-rays, provides enhanced image quality and 90% less radiation. Digital 3-d CT scans are available through i-CAT, providing incredibly detailed diagnostic capabilities. Our intra-oral digital camera can allow you see what we see, and all of this information is digitally shared with your referring doctor to keep them informed of your treatment status.
During treatment, a microscope is used to insure the most thorough CA-CHand accurate treatment possible. Because the area of treatment (canals) can be very small, about the size of a head of a pin, increasing the field of vision allows us to see up to 30 times the actual size of the tooth. This is also essential to help diagnose fractures or other microscopic flaws in tooth structure that may have otherwise remained undetected. A high powered laser (the Waterlase MD) is used to remove infection-harboring smear from inside of the microscopic pores in the wall of the root canal. Space-age flexible canal instruments and bonded root canal filling materials complete the most up-to-date endodontic procedures. Details, including mega-pixel digital photographs before, during and after treatment, can be accessed on-line by your restorative dentist.